Move E-Mails to Another Folder

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I receive many emails in a certain way, and would like to select them and move them to another subfolder under here is a code I found and I have a folder named "Family" under Inbox, but when I run the code after selecting the email, it says the folder doesn't what to change please?

Sub MoveSelectedMessagesToFolder()

On Error Resume Next

Dim objFolder As outlook.MAPIFolder, objInbox As outlook.MAPIFolder

Dim objNS As outlook.NameSpace, objItem As outlook.mailItem

Set objNS = Application.GetNamespace(“MAPI”)

Set objInbox = objNS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)

Set objFolder = objInbox.Folders("Family")

'Assume this is a mail folder

If objFolder Is Nothing Then

MsgBox "This folder doesn’t exist!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "INVALID FOLDER"

End If

If Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Count = 0 Then

'Require that this procedure be called only when a message is selected

Exit Sub

End If

For Each objItem In Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection

If objFolder.DefaultItemType = olMailItem Then

If objItem.Class = olMail Then

objItem.Move objFolder

End If

End If


Set objItem = Nothing

Set objFolder = Nothing

Set objInbox = Nothing

Set objNS = Nothing

End Sub
It worked for me after I moved on error resume next to just above where the destination folder is set - then this line:

Set objNS = Application.GetNamespace(“MAPI”) errored - because of the smart quotes.

I fixed them - Set objNS = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI") - and it worked.

Tip of the day: always comment out error handlers when something doesn't work. :)

Rather than saying invalid folder, you might want to create it - although, since the folder exists, it's somewhat pointless to keep it, whether it checks for a folder or creates it.
If objFolder Is Nothing Then
Set objFolder = objInbox.Folders.Add("Family")
End If

if you are a glutton for punishment, you can create folders for months, names, etc - - but honestly, the fewer folders, the better. I accidentally ran that on an inbox with 3000 messages and ended up with over 500 folders.
Thanks but don't understand what I change or do. Can you please explain?
Set objNS = Application.GetNamespace(“MAPI”)

Set objInbox = objNS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)

On Error Resume Next
Set objFolder = objInbox.Folders("Family")

See that chunk in bold? Notice how the quotes turn inward and the ones around Family don't? You need to remove the quotes (") and re-type them so they don't turn in.

I'd also move on error resume next so its just above the line where the destination folder is set.
It works perfect....thanks so so much....

Can we also create it where if the email comes from a certain email, within a certain amount of time, it automatically moves over?
What would be the macro to do it and lets say its 24 hours after received
If you are running it 24 hours later, you can't use a run a script rule - that processes mail as it arrives. You'll need to trigger it - i use task reminders to trigger macros, but since this is something you'll run once a day, I'd probably put it in a startup macro, except that it will slow outlook down a little at boot. Or you can click a toolbar button every morning to clean out old mail.
So not the timing, what so we change so I don't select the emails ...i just run the macro that moves the specific email to the folder?
The second macro at runs through everything in the folder.

You'll need to check the email address - I'd probably use a case statement-

Select Case LCase(Item.SenderEmailAddress)
Case "", "", ""
sSenderName = "Family"
Case Else
Goto NextMessage

End Select

If the address matches, this will check the age and go through the macro.
If objVariant.Class = olMail Then
intDateDiff = DateDiff("d", objVariant.SentOn, Now)
' I'm using 40 days, adjust as needed.
If intDateDiff > 40 Then

'<rest of macro
then at the end add this:


' Display the number of items that were moved.
MsgBox "Moved " & lngMovedItems & " messages(s)."
I don't understand....can you simple give me the the full code and simply show me the place to put in the email address and the folder it goes to?
Thank you. I look forward to getting it as soon aa you can. And as reminder, its not time. Just run the macro and it moves the emails with the specific email i put in the macro to folder i put in the macro. So I don't have to select anything, just run the macro. Thanks much
Need help with saving "sent items" email automatically to desktop folder

Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)

Dim fName As String

Const olmsg = 3

fName = "C:\Users\Unknown\Desktop\Sent emails\" & Item.Subject & ".msg"

Item.SaveAs fName, olmsg

End Sub
Re: Need help with saving "sent items" email automatically to desktop folder

This is not the macro I need. Please look back at list of posts before.

- - - Updated - - -

This is not the macro I need. Please look back at list of posts before.
Re: Need help with saving "sent items" email automatically to desktop folder

That script saves them to the desktop. L is moving them to a folder under his inbox.
Re: Need help with saving "sent items" email automatically to desktop folder

I am sorry If I post my problem in your thread...actually I had a similar problem the code I put does not work for me and the reason that I can think is because of illegal character...I am not that good in coding and do not how can bypass the illegal characters so my script get excuted and can save the file with its subject name,...
Re: Need help with saving "sent items" email automatically to desktop folder

i understand but again, i just want to run a macro that moves received emails from a specific email address to a specific folder created in the inbox as a subfolder

- - - Updated - - -

i understand but again, i just want to run a macro that moves received emails from a specific email address to a specific folder created in the inbox as a subfolder
Re: Need help with saving "sent items" email automatically to desktop folder

I am sorry If I post my problem in your thread...actually I had a similar problem the code I put does not work for me and the reason that I can think is because of illegal character...I am not that good in coding and do not how can bypass the illegal characters so my script get excuted and can save the file with its subject name,...

You should start your own thread so we don't get the solutions mixed up here. :)

You need to strip illegals. One way is shown in this macro - - and i have some other similar macros that use a function to replace the characters. The save as pdf link at the top of that page uses the function method.

- - - Updated - - -

I am sorry If I post my problem in your thread...actually I had a similar problem the code I put does not work for me and the reason that I can think is because of illegal character...I am not that good in coding and do not how can bypass the illegal characters so my script get excuted and can save the file with its subject name,...

You should start your own thread so we don't get the solutions mixed up here. :)

You need to strip illegals. One way is shown in this macro - - and i have some other similar macros that use a function to replace the characters. The save as pdf link at the top of that page uses the function method.
Re: Need help with saving "sent items" email automatically to desktop folder

Any update soon?
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