Create a custom "Send" Button

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 32 bit
Email Account
Dear All,

In order to track some of the assignments I give to persons, save sent e-mails in a separate folder ("waiting for" not the sent one), categorise them with "waiting for" and have them flagged with a "no date" flag.
This involves however a high numbers of clicks which I would like to avoid.

I already tried things with a quick steps but there the actions only works if I create a new message, not when I forward an existing one (which is then the one flagged, categorised, etc). I also tried rules but this involves creating a bcc message or imputing a special text in the mail, which I would like to avoid.

How could I create a "send button" which would perform all the above actions when pressed ?

Would it be possible to have this button doing the above actions but instead of flagging with "no date", have a window popping up and asking for the delay ?

I'm not so familiar with VBA so sorry if my question is straightforward


These are the properties you need to set:

1. If the folder, where you want to save the message, is in the same store, then set the SaveSentMessageFolder property. Here are some examples for how to use it.

2. Write the category to the Categories property.

3. Here are some examples for how to flag a message for follow-up. It first uses the DateAdd function to add, for instance, seven days to the current date, if you want the message be due in seven days. It then adds a time to the date, and passes the result (that is date & time) to the TaskStartDate and TaskDueDate properties.

To be more flexible you could query both values, that is the number of days to be added and the time, by using the InputBox function.
Dear Michael,

Many thanks for your input but I'm afraid, I will not be able to implement it seen my lack of knowledge.

I started with your second variant for Savesentmail but didn't even succeed in getting that run. For whichever reason, the macro name does not even appear.
Could you maybe provide some more hints towards the implementation ?

Thanks a lot for your help

Macros that take parameters do not appear but can be called by other macros, or by events like the ItemSend event in this case. The given examples will be called automaically when you hit the Send button.

This one can be run manually as it doesn't take any parameters:
Public Sub WhatEverName()
  'This line calls the other macro and passes the open, active item
  SaveSentMail Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
End Sub
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