Old attachments do not open after Exchange 2007 edb recovery.

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Outlook 2013 64 bit
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Exchange Server
Domain Controllers failed and user had no backups. I took their exchange server and built a new domain.
I installed exchange 2007 sp3 and performed a "eseutil /p on the edb file since it was in a dirty state.

I created all the user accounts and connected the disconnected mailboxes that were on the repaired mailbox database.

My problem is that any attachments that were in a message previous to the restore will not open. They are able to use new attachments as they arrive.
Any error messages?

Attachments are stored in the message, so they should work - unless you used an application to remove attachments and replace them with a shortcut. Those could possibly fail (but shouldn't.)
- Stop the Microsoft Exchange Search Indexer service. Run Stop-Service MSExchangeSearch if you are into Shell.

- Browse to where the database files are located on the disk. Along with the database file, you will see a folder with “CatalogData-random string” as its name. Delete this folder, which stores the corrupt index.

- Restart the Microsoft Exchange Search Indexer service. Run Start-Service MSExchangeSearch if you are into Shell.
- Give it a minute and a new folder will be created and a new index will be built.

- If guide on above can't assist you, then you may utilize software for crashed .edb files
Domain Controllers failed and user had no backups. I took their exchange server and built a new domain.
I installed exchange 2007 sp3 and performed a "eseutil /p on the edb file since it was in a dirty state.

I created all the user accounts and connected the disconnected mailboxes that were on the repaired mailbox database.

My problem is that any attachments that were in a message previous to the restore will not open. They are able to use new attachments as they arrive.

If your old attachments of Exchange database are inaccessible due to any reason and you are looking

for some manual solution you can try Scanost.exe which is provided by Microsoft. It is inbuilt command

that can check all the issues related to Exchange server and helps you to overcome your problem.

But this method only useful when you have small data. If you have a large amount of data then you can

try third party tool such as a Free EDB Viewer which can provide you a flawless solution for solving any

issue regarding EDB files.
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