Plaxo and LinkedIn and Personal vs Business Contacts

  • Thread starter Thread starter liz
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Hi all,

I just started using BCM after a lot of trials with other CRM

programs. So far I am happy with BCM, but am worried I am going to

have to find work arounds for Plaxo and LinkedIn.

Am I correct that, as of now, neither Plaxo or LinkedIn will recognize

my BCM contacts folder? I wrote Plaxo - no response. I use Plaxo

mainly for keeping addresses up-to-date and de-duping. LinkedIn is

less of a worry at the moment.

Now, I suppose I could periodically move all of my BCM contacts to an

Outlook folder and run the synch with Plaxo - but, I imagine I will

lose some data, correct? Also, I have tried to move some BCM contacts

into the Outlook folder, and it puts them there, but does not remove

them from the BCM folder, so it is a copy, not a move.

Lastly, it seems the best thing to do is keep personal and business

contacts totally separate, even though there may be some overlap.

Could anyone advise me on what I am saying above? Am I overlooking

any tools or fixes or features that could help.


Update - no response from Plaxo still. LinkedIn will "see" the BCM

address folders via the LinkedIn Toolbar plug-in.
On May 21, 12:07 am, liz <> wrote:
> Update - no response from Plaxo still.  LinkedIn will "see" the BCM
> address folders via the LinkedIn Toolbar plug-in.

There's some software from Chapurra that mirrors the BCM folder to Ol

Contacts folder, for purposes of syncing with devices. That mirroring

may fix the problems with Plaxo only recognizing the default Ol

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