Martin Teefy
I have a CRM system that uses a calendar control with the event being stored in a database and also in Outlook so blackberry/iphone can see the appts.
But if the user changes the date/time of the appointment or deletes it with the CRM system I need to easily find the appt in outlook hence the unique sequence number per userid
I'm using the following code in VB6 based on some C# sample discussed in one of the pages i found at Sue Mosher's site but i'm not sure what the 4th argument in C# is for:
With objappt
' Read next seq number from the database per user
m_iUniqueId = GetLatestID + 1
m_sUniqueKey = m_pEditingEvent.ScheduleID & "-" & m_iUniqueId
' e.g. 4-23 user id and unique #
> UserProperties.Add m_sUniqueKey, OlUserPropertyType.olText, True
> Save
End With
Will this work without the 4th argument and what would be the Find clause to use in conjunction with the 4-23 example value so i can delete or updae the appt?
Any advice appreciated
I have a CRM system that uses a calendar control with the event being stored in a database and also in Outlook so blackberry/iphone can see the appts.
But if the user changes the date/time of the appointment or deletes it with the CRM system I need to easily find the appt in outlook hence the unique sequence number per userid
I'm using the following code in VB6 based on some C# sample discussed in one of the pages i found at Sue Mosher's site but i'm not sure what the 4th argument in C# is for:
With objappt
' Read next seq number from the database per user
m_iUniqueId = GetLatestID + 1
m_sUniqueKey = m_pEditingEvent.ScheduleID & "-" & m_iUniqueId
' e.g. 4-23 user id and unique #
> UserProperties.Add m_sUniqueKey, OlUserPropertyType.olText, True
> Save
End With
Will this work without the 4th argument and what would be the Find clause to use in conjunction with the 4-23 example value so i can delete or updae the appt?
Any advice appreciated