Hey Slip, thanks for getting back to me and sorry for not replying sooner - got an unmountbale boot volume error I had to address around complications from Hurricane Irene - all is well now. Anyway, my version of Outlook is 2003 (11.8330.8333) SP3. I downloaded and used the Outlook connector and that's running fine. I downloaded the YPOPs! tool and couldn't get it to work, no matter what configurations I tried. I then downloaded the IzyMail tool and that worked after a couple of tweaks; the trip with them is that they only forward 30 e-mails in your current format, after which they forward them in rich-text only - and then they relentlessly try to get you to sign up for their "premium" service. I'm tolerating them only because of the 'convenience' of not having to go get them from Yahoo! myself. Thanks again, I really appreciate the website and all the help! Best, PT