Exchange 2010 / Outlook 2010 - Group Folder issues

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 32 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server
Question: Why are there many, many duplicated folders created within a group "shared" mailbox while it is in use?

for example: I have a group shared mailbox; for example; "", I share it out (per instructions and guidance) and set delegate access so a number of users can "Send As". I verify that the users can indeed access the mailbox and "Send As"

The problem is, that as the users start using the mailbox (reading messages, responding to them and moving them to other mailbox folders (or public folders)), there begins to accumulate numerous duplicate folders within the "group" mailbox; for example "Drafts1, Drafts2, Drafts3 and Junk E-mail1, Junk E-mail3, Junk E-mail3 and “the file so that changes to the file will be reflected in your item.1, the file so that...2, the file so that...3, etc. These duplicate folders do not contain any messages (they are completely empty).

How can I configure this “group” mailbox to NOT create these folders?


  • Mailbox_Issues.jpg
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Question: Why are there many, many duplicated folders created within a group "shared" mailbox while it is in use?

for example: I have a group shared mailbox; for example; "", I share it out (per instructions and guidance) and set delegate access so a number of users can "Send As". I verify that the users can indeed access the mailbox and "Send As"

The problem is, that as the users start using the mailbox (reading messages, responding to them and moving them to other mailbox folders (or public folders)), there begins to accumulate numerous duplicate folders within the "group" mailbox; for example "Drafts1, Drafts2, Drafts3 and Junk E-mail1, Junk E-mail3, Junk E-mail3 and “the file so that changes to the file will be reflected in your item.1, the file so that...2, the file so that...3, etc. These duplicate folders do not contain any messages (they are completely empty).

How can I configure this “group” mailbox to NOT create these folders?

<STYLE type=text/css>p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }a:link { }</STYLE>Hi bbillmire,

These all duplicate folders do not contain any messages so you have an option to remove the duplicate folder. You should try to remove the duplicated folders by cmdlet command ( & managing Public Folder Databases
The OP is having problems with mailboxes. What does managing publc folder databases have to do with the mailboxes? Removing the Create folder permission should stop it, then the /resetfolders switch to fix. He'll need to delete the extras though. I' not aware of a cmdlet that will remove the duplicates automatically - which one will do that?
The OP is having problems with mailboxes. What does managing publc folder databases have to do with the mailboxes? Removing the Create folder permission should stop it, then the /resetfolders switch to fix. He'll need to delete the extras though. I' not aware of a cmdlet that will remove the duplicates automatically - which one will do that?

<STYLE type=text/css>p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }a.western:link { }a.ctl:link { }</STYLE>Hi Larry,

Managing Public folder is a technique of mailbox management; it means with the help of this method you have capability to create database, Move Database and also removing the database item form public folder. A public folder database is an Exchange database that stores public folders and system folders and assists in the replication of the folders with other Exchange servers.

Now focus on cmdlet command, A cmdlet is a lightweight command that is used in the Windows PowerShell environment. The Windows PowerShell runtime invokes these cmdlets within the context of automation scripts that are provided at the command line. Read

I have already share
d a link How to remove duplicates with the help of cmdlet command ( . Hope so all link helps to aware of Public folder Database & Cmdlet command.
Larry knows what public folder databases are - I think he might an Exchange admin.

Public folder databases are not mailbox databases. In Exchange 2010 and 2007, Public folders are optional - there is no need for a public folder database.

Which cmdlet at is used to remove duplicate folders? There is a very long list on that page.

Public folder databases are not the cause of the problem this thread is about - user has folders reproducing so the folder tree looks like this:






This happened to me once with Outlook 2003 and Exchange 2003 - changing folder permissions so no one had create permissions solved it. I thought it was a fluke and fixed in an update, but apparently not.

BTW, I am removing the links to allcomputers site because according to google, the pages are copied from the book, MCTS Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-662): Configuring Microsoft® Exchange.

Larry knows what public folder databases are - I think he might an Exchange admin.

My job title is network administrator but I backup our Exchange admin as needed, so while I'm not a full-fledged, full time Exchange admin, I do know my way around it pretty good.
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