Filtering or Rules against "Tracked Conversations"

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Outlook version
Email Account
Exchange Server
I have outlook 2007 with Exchange.

I've been looking at filters and alerts trying to figure out how I can view or move responses to my messages that were marked as "Flag for Follow up"

I've used Clear Context and Outlook, looking for a good way to use outlooks "conversation" view to file my original message and the replies to those messages.

Here's the use case

1) I have an question that I need answered. I write the message to one or more people on the team. I flag the message for follow up in a day/week/whatever.

2) when one or more people reply, I'd like to file them together with the original message and use the conversation view to pull them all together.

I think this will make me much more efficient and help me stop missing replies in the "sea of emails" I get from the team (who are spread out all over the world -- and answer at all times of day).

I want a folder or view so that I can group multiple, different conversations. I want to do this so that 3-4 times per day, I can focus on outstanding issues without having to click through the infobar on each outstanding question to find the possible follow ups.

I can see in the InfoBar "This is part of a tracked conversation" but I cannot figure any way to filter or create an outlook rule for it. In fact, I can't find the object that represents that infobar to use in a DASL filter (and certainly not a rule). I suspect it's generated at run time.

Can anyone think of a way for me to filter or generate a rule to group, by conversation, my flagged message and replies to that in 1 folder or view so I can group by conversations?

Thanks in advance.
Is Outlook 2010 in your future? I think it would really help you - its conversation view shows all messages in a thread, even ones that are in diferent folders. Its really perfect for yor scenario.

Outlook doesn't have a filter that will say "i want all messages within a thread where there is flagged message" - you can useflagged messages, but it won't fnd all messages in the conversation. Off hand, i can't think of any good solutions but will sleep on it...
Sometimes certain messages do not end up being part of a CONVERSATION for some slight changes from the received mail.

Is there anyway to make such an ORPHAN message part of a conversation.
Sometimes certain messages do not end up being part of a CONVERSATION for some slight changes from the received mail.

Is there anyway to make such an ORPHAN message part of a conversation.

Diane - A bunch of times I receive messages from someone that should have been part of the conversation but do not identify as such.

Also, the read receipts that come back are not part of conversation. They essentially end up being LOST ORPHANS.

Is there any way to create a macro or script to be able to MANUALLY or PROGRAMMATIC-ALLY relate the ORPHAN to the EXISTING CONVERSATION.
No, you can't merge orphans with threads or break threads apart.

It usually happens because the sender doesn't use Outlook and the conversation index is lost and Outlook doesn't know where it belongs.
No, you can't merge orphans with threads or break threads apart.

It usually happens because the sender doesn't use Outlook and the conversation index is lost and Outlook doesn't know where it belongs.

Is there something inside the Outlook API or Data structure Objects that makes Certain Emails PART of a CONVERSATION? Some kind of Flag? Or Does Outlook just try to detect this everytime it runs?

Are they held as a collection or something? IF so, then it could be possible to write a script/ extension that adds an ORPHAN to that COLLECTION of Emails.
Outlook uses a combination of factors: the subject field and the conversation index, in-reply-to, or reference field. If the message is missing the one of the factors, it is usually seen as a new message. The header is read-only AFAIK, although it's possible Redemption (third party CDO replacement) might be able to add a missing field to trick outlook. I haven't looked into it though.
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