Outlook 2003: Meeting Organizer will be set as always free or busy status

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Outlook version
Email Account
Exchange Server
Hi Masters,

This is my very first time to post in the forum. I'll be needing your expertise on how to set the meeting request organizer's status as always free or busy but the required attendee's availability status as "Out of office".

I have created a VBA code in excel to automatically send the meeting request. I have seen the ".organizer" code to be associated in the appontment item - meeting request and I don't know how to use it.

I want to include the code ".Organizer = BusyStatus = 0".

Here is my code that I put on a module in Excel file:

Sub Appointment_PTO()

Dim oApp As Object, oApt As Object

'Turns off screen updating

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

'to create a clendar invite

Set oApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

Set oApt = oApp.CreateItem(1)

On Error Resume Next

With oApt

'to select the dates on the selected check box


If Sheets("PTO Request Form").CB8_Label.Caption = Chr(254) Then

CB = Sheets("PTO Request Form").CB8_Label.Caption = Chr(254)

> Start = Sheets("PTO Request Form").FDdateTextBox.Value

> End = Sheets("PTO Request Form").FDdateTextBox.Value

> AllDayEvent = True

End If

If Sheets("PTO Request Form").CB9_Label.Caption = Chr(254) And Sheets("PTO Request Form").AM_Label.Caption = Chr(254) Then

CB = Sheets("PTO Request Form").CB9_Label.Caption = Chr(254) And Sheets("PTO Request Form").AM_Label.Caption = Chr(254)

> AllDayEvent = False

> Start = Sheets("PTO Request Form").HDdateTextBox.Value & " " & "06:00 AM"

> End = Sheets("PTO Request Form").HDdateTextBox.Value & " " & "12:00 PM"

End If

If Sheets("PTO Request Form").CB9_Label.Caption = Chr(254) And Sheets("PTO Request Form").PM_Label.Caption = Chr(254) Then

CB = Sheets("PTO Request Form").CB9_Label.Caption = Chr(254) And Sheets("PTO Request Form").PM_Label.Caption = Chr(254)

> AllDayEvent = False

> Start = Sheets("PTO Request Form").HDdateTextBox.Value & " " & "12:00 PM"

> End = Sheets("PTO Request Form").HDdateTextBox.Value & " " & "06:00 PM"

End If

If Sheets("PTO Request Form").CB10_Label.Caption = Chr(254) Then

CB = Sheets("PTO Request Form").CB10_Label.Caption = Chr(254)

> Start = Sheets("PTO Request Form").MDdateTextBox1.Value

> End = Sheets("PTO Request Form").MDdateTextBox2.Value

> AllDayEvent = True

End If

> MeetingStatus = 1

> RequiredAttendees = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("PTO Request Form").SupNEmailTextBox.Value & " ," & ThisWorkbook.Sheets("PTO Request Form").EmpNEmailTextBox.Value

> BusyStatus = 3

> ReminderSet = False

> Attachments.Add ThisWorkbook.FullName

> Display


End With

On Error GoTo 0

'Restores screen updating and release Outlook

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

Set oApt = Nothing

Set oApp = Nothing

End sub

Please help if it is really possible.


You can't set different free/busy when you send it. It needs to be set after its added to the folder. After you send it, you need to find it and change the setting. I know you can do it using an itemadd event, but I don't know how to call it from excel.
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