New hosting server & changing IMAP accounts

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Email Account
I have a VPS with 1&1, and am upgrading to a higher specification one. I can't do this 'seamlessly' (doh!) and I will therefore have to transfer my domain names, and my email accounts, which are all IMAP.

What is the best way to avoid losing all the email history present on the existing server? I now how to get around the situation with a POP3 account, but not with an IMAP account. I thought of Archiving all the enails up to the present date - at least I'd have a copy then. Is there a better way?

Any help that anyone can offer will be greatly appreciated
If you are 100% sure you have full bodies downloaded, you can use the imap pst - it will open in any profile like a normal pst file. Otherwise, export (or archive) so you know you have everything. Then import into the new mailbox once its ready. If you don't export/archive, you can add the new account to the profile and drag the mail to the new mailbox folders. Make sure the imap account is not configured to sync or change the imap server name to mail or something that won't resolve - this insures you that outlook can't sync with the server (and refresh the data file).
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