Outlook calendar missing

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I am using outlook 2007 for work.

I have been asked to use calendar for appointments and shared this calendar with the office admin so she can see what appointments I have.

a few weeks later ( now ) I tried to view the calendar and it does not exist. I had added another shared inbox for a group account and the calendar for this shared inbox was the old calendar on the list.

I talked to our tech support and the end result was my outlook is restored to default, all of my rules and contacts are gone....and I still do not have a calendar.

I tried running "run outlook.exe /safe" and a new calendar was created, although this is not my old calendar.

If I view shared folders and put in my name which was the original caledar name, I can look at, and modify my old calendar which shows in the right half of the screen, with my newly created calendar on the left side.

My to-do bar shows appointments from the old calendar.

My office admin sent me a new meeting request and it shows in the old calendar. Even after I sent her a share for the new calendar.

Getting very frustrated.

Can someone please tell me the secret words of power to fix this ?


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