Creating an Outlook Rule using Internet Header time

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 64 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server
To keep this simple, I need to move some email when it arrives in the Outlook Inbox to another folder based upon time sent.

I am attempting to create an Outlook Rule using the Internet Header of email received. I want to move any email sent to a mailbox between certain hours to the Deleted Items folder.

As an example, part of an Internet Email Header is:

Server (TLS) id 15.0.888.9 via Mailbox Transport; Mon, 3 Mar 2014 19:33:28


I created and enabled a Rule as follows:

Apply this rule after the message arrives

with '12:' or '13:' or '14:' or '15:' or '16:' or '17:' or '18:' or '19:' in the message header

move it to the Deleted Items folder

In testing, an email was sent during the '19:' hour and received in Outlook. However the Rule didn't work. I tried the * wildcard, *'12'* etc., but that didn't work either.

I recognize I'm dealing with UTC time and have adjusted my Rule accordingly.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
It's too bad the rule that lets you check dates doesn't also support times. But, you can use a run a script rule. If it's a daily thing, you'd use Timevalue function to check the time.

Sub DeleteMail(Item As Outlook.MailItem) 
If TimeValue(Item.ReceivedTime) < TimeValue("4:59:00 AM") Or _
TimeValue(Item.ReceivedTime) > TimeValue("4:59:00 PM") Then
      Item.Move (Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderDeletedItems))
     End If
 Set Item = Nothing 
End Sub

ETA: if you aren't sure how to use it.
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