Creating a Outlook task in Excel

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Outlook version
Outlook 2019 32-bit
Email Account
Hi, and thanks for looking

I have been using a code in Excel to create a task in Outlook. On my PC it works perfectly. The spreadsheet is for others to use on different PCs and laptops. When they use the spreadsheet instead of creating a task it sends an email, with the information, i.e. start time start date etc in the body of the email.

I have got round the problem by using a code in Outlook which creates a task from their email, but of course I would rather have the task sent to me as I intended.

I cannot understand why, if the code works on my PC and other users are using Outlook and Excel why is the code creating an email.

Any ideas/suggestions would be greatly appreciated
It should work the same on all computers. Can you post the code? At least the code that creates the task.

Thank you, hope you can help. By the way I've just noticed I have some unnecessary code, but Ive left in.

Private Sub CreateTasks()
    Dim go As String
    Dim mailto As String
    mailto = Range("emailto")
   ' MsgBox mailto
   Message = "Do you want to create a task"
   go = MsgBox(Message, vbYesNo, "File submission ") 
If go = vbYes Then
 ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="xyz" 
Range("a1") = 1 
Range("h12") = "A task request was sent to xyz on " & Date & " at " & Time 
'Variable declaration 
detail1 = Range("h15") 
detail2 = Range("h16")
   Dim olTask As Object
   'Dim sd As Date
    Dim client As String
   Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
       client = Range("c5")
       sd = Date
       rep = "Report"
           Set olTask = olApp.createitem(3) 'olTaskItem
           With olTask
               .Subject = client & " New File *"
               .Body = Chr(13) & detail1 & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & detail2
               .Status = 0 'olnotstarted
               .Importance = 2 'olImportanceHigh
              .ReminderSet = True
              ' .ReminderTime = Cells(i, "I").Value + TimeValue("09:00:00")
              .startdate = sd
              .categories = rep
             .DueDate = sd + 7
               .Recipients.Add ("[EMAIL=""][/EMAIL]") 
> assign 
> Send 
> Save
   End With
  End If
Thank you, hope you can help. By the way I've just noticed I have some unnecessary code, but Ive left in.

lol. sounds like me. I'm constantly repurposing macros and leave a lot of useless code in them.

That code is creating an assigned task here. The only thing I needed to do was swap the Save and Send commands, for some reason it errored on send if the task wasn't saved first.

So I'm clear, are people you send the assigned task to getting an email message or are other people using this macro and sending email instead of a task?

The first one (you send task, they get email) can be due to missing TNEF data - aka winmail.dat. The second one makes no sense, as you are creating a task.

If other people use it to assign a task to you or someone else, it could be missing TNEF data. Are you all using POP3? Screenshots of where to check TNEF settings are here - - they should be using let outlook decide but may need to change it on the contact.
lol. sounds like me. I'm constantly repurposing macros and leave a lot of useless code in them.

That code is creating an assigned task here. The only thing I needed to do was swap the Save and Send commands, for some reason it errored on send if the task wasn't saved first.

So I'm clear, are people you send the assigned task to getting an email message or are other people using this macro and sending email instead of a task?

The first one (you send task, they get email) can be due to missing TNEF data - aka winmail.dat. The second one makes no sense, as you are creating a task.

If other people use it to assign a task to you or someone else, it could be missing TNEF data. Are you all using POP3? Screenshots of where to check TNEF settings are here - - they should be using let outlook decide but may need to change it on the contact.

Hi, the people are sending me the task, or at least it should be, but its arriving in my inbox as an email.

I really want the task to be created in their Outlook tasks and assign the task to me. I'm not familiar with TNEF but the link you sent could be the answer. I'm sure they are using Outlook, but maybe not POP3. At last a thread to follow up. If I can leave this topic open I would be very grateful, and I'll get back to you with the outcome.
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