The following macro/code that I run, adds the City, State and Zip Code to the Note field, and not the Address Field of the contact. So if I have a contact list that each has an address, but not the City, State and Zip Code, which is the same for all, how can we change this so the Outlook 2007 Contact form when I run the macro, goes to the address of the person, and below the first line, adds the City, State and Zip Code. That would be wonderful.
Dim Ins As outlook.inspector
Dim Document As Word.Document
Dim Word As Word.Application
Dim Selection As Word.Selection
Set Ins = Application.ActiveInspector
Set Document = Ins.WordEditor
Set Word = Document.Application
Set Selection = Word.Selection
Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdLine
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine
Selection.TypeText Text:="City, State 77001"
Dim Ins As outlook.inspector
Dim Document As Word.Document
Dim Word As Word.Application
Dim Selection As Word.Selection
Set Ins = Application.ActiveInspector
Set Document = Ins.WordEditor
Set Word = Document.Application
Set Selection = Word.Selection
Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdLine
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine
Selection.TypeText Text:="City, State 77001"