I created a calendar template for an appt that has cells from an excel file in the text box (also tried a word table). I saved the template. No problem until I open it. The last two of 4 columns change font and font size. Not sure why - so I added text to the cells in the correct font and size, deleted the text, then saved the template again. It worked. Here is a sample of how it looks on my computer (minus the questions and additional cells):
Question Response Notes Done
Now I have tested the template to see how it would look in my I-phone. The excel / word file shows in a line instead of small cells. I added information via the I-phone to see if it would change on my computer. It did - the cells are in a line now on my computer.
1. Is there a way to create a template that does not change font and font size using excel cells or a table from word?
2. How do I stop the template from changing from my original format?
Thank you
Question Response Notes Done
Now I have tested the template to see how it would look in my I-phone. The excel / word file shows in a line instead of small cells. I added information via the I-phone to see if it would change on my computer. It did - the cells are in a line now on my computer.
1. Is there a way to create a template that does not change font and font size using excel cells or a table from word?
2. How do I stop the template from changing from my original format?
Thank you