Why can I see other users tasks in my task list

  • Thread starter Thread starter JamesF
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Hi there,

My company are using BCM on Outlook 2007 and are really getting used to its
functionality. We are using it for contact management, opportunities,
projects etc.

There are several users in our company and at present they are finding that
they can other people's tasks which have been created in a project. For
example I have created a project to retarget old opportunities and have set
up lots of tasks, but they are populating in all the user's task lists as wel
as mine!

Is there a way to stop this?!!!
On Aug 20, 4:04 am, JamesF <Jam...> wrote:
> Hi there,
> My company are using BCM on Outlook 2007 and are really getting used to its
> functionality. We are using it for contact management, opportunities,
> projects etc.
> There are several users in our company and at present they are finding that
> they can other people's tasks which have been created in a project. For
> example I have created a project to retarget old opportunities and have set
> up lots of tasks, but they are populating in all the user's task lists aswel
> as mine!
> Is there a way to stop this?!!!

Shared users can see everything in a BCM database. If you need
granular roles and permissions, you can move to Microsoft CRM which
has those features.
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