Cannot find outlook express

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Outlook version
Email Account
Exchange Server
First off Let me say that I am new to these forums and may require a lot of help.

If I am posting in the wrong section, would someone kindly tell me I am so I do not get yell/scream/ban/etc.

I am trying to find where I can download Outlook Express 2007.

It is required in one of my IT classes that deals with Exchange Server and Web Servers.

I have a copy of MS Office 2007, yet it only has Outlook and not Outlook Express.

I was wondering if anyone can help me find this program so I can complete my lab.

Any information will be helpful, and greatly appreciated. I also know that Outlook has been replaced by Windows Live Mail, but this book does not cover anything on the WLM.
This book is published by Wiley Custom Learning Solutions and it is a mixed of the Microsoft Official Academic Course Lab Manual and it is Customized excerpts from Windows Server 2008 Applications Infrastructure Configuration Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist Exam 70-643 by Craig T. Zacker


Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Configuration Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist Exam 70-236 by Jason W. Eckert, triOS College

In one exercise it says to install Office 2007 with the Outlook 2007 components to a minimum and then to configure the Mail in Control Panel.

the exercise after that says to open Outlook Express select Tools-Accounts. Add an account in the Internet Accounts window and select mail from the side menu, type the name in the display name dialog box, then in the Internet E-mail Address type the in the E-mail address dialog box, then on the E-mail Server Name choose IMAP type in both Incoming (POP3 IMAP HTTP) and Outgoing (SMTP) mail server dialog box, in the Internet Mail Logon screen type AccountName in the Account name dialog box and associated password with it in the password box and select requires SPA at logon, choose finish to close the Internet Connection Wizard, then highlight IMAP in the Internet Accounts and click properties, choose the advanced tab and select this server requires SSL for both Outgoing and Incoming mail and clikc OK then close the Internet Accounts Window and select yes when ask to synchronize with the mail server.

I have a copy of Office Professional Plus 2007 but it only has Outlook 2007 in it. This manual I believe is stating that Outlook Express may be required in future labs, and I already let my teacher know of this problem, but he is the type that says to find the program anyway.
Tell your teacher that Outlook Express *does not work* with Windows 7 (or Vista), even if you could find it on the internet to download. He needs to determine what students with Windows 7 should use as a substitute and review the steps in the excerise to verify what steps are used with the alternate software.

I'm guessing the excerise is having you connect to the exchange server using an internet mail client? In that case, use Windows Live Mail client - the steps are similar, although probably not identical. (You could also use Outlook to configure the IMAP account if the excerise is to use non-mapi access to Exchange.)
Well actually we have to install it on Windows Server 2008 Standard 32-bit. not Windows 7, we have a virtual AD DC Server 2008 and an additional DC server that is a secondary.

My server's are name IT260Srv50 (which is the main) and IT260Srv50B (which is the second) and we have to install the Outlook Express 2007 on the main.
Ok. I'll be sure to let my teacher know of this. Thank you so much for the help.
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