Exchange 2010 Receives But Does Not Send Email To Internet

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ifeatu Osegbo
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Ifeatu Osegbo

I have set up Exchange 2010.

I have installed everything and am able to receive emails from external world but I cannot send to them, eg I cannot send to Yahoo.

I have used the Exchange Test Connectivity here: and everything worked fine.

I have also configured the Send Connectors and everything seems fine, yet, I cannot send emails to external addresses.

Internally, everything works fine. Please help

Are you getting NDR's? Emails in the queue? Is Exchange HUB the last hop to the Internet or is it passing through a smarthost/Edge server? Do you have port 25 outbound open on your firewall?
Yes, I have the following:

451 4.4.0 Primary target IP address responded with: " 421 4.2.1 Unable to connect." Attempted failover to alternate host, but that did not succeed. Either there are no alternate hosts, or delivery failed to all alternate hosts.

The Exchange is Hub, no Edge at all, no smart host at all.. Port 25 is open and I confirmed with telnet.

Thanks for your prompt response.
Is there coexitence with older version of Exchange? How many Send Connectors have been created? How many HUB servers to you have? If no one can send outbound, sounds like a mis-configuration or a DNS lookup issue.

Can you run Get-SendConnector | fl and post the results? Looking for AddressSpaces, DNSRoutingEnabled, SmartHosts, SourceTransportServers, Enabled, port

Do you have a one-to-one NAT configured for your Exchange server that corresponds to the IP listed on your MX records? If so, check to make sure that your domain is not listed on any Real-time Black Lists (RBL's). You can check here:
Thanks all.

No, there is no coexistence with any Exchange Server. I have up to 4 of them, yet nothing is happening.

No one can send outbound mails.

The Get-Send-Connector gives this:

AddressSpaces : {SMTP:*;1}
AuthenticationCredential :
Comment :
ConnectedDomains : {}
ConnectionInactivityTimeOut : 00:10:00
DNSRoutingEnabled : True
DomainSecureEnabled : False
Enabled : True
ForceHELO : False
Fqdn :
HomeMTA : Microsoft MTA
HomeMtaServerId : mailserver
IgnoreSTARTTLS : False
IsScopedConnector : False
IsSmtpConnector : True
LinkedReceiveConnector :
MaxMessageSize : 10 MB (10,485,760 bytes)
Port : 25
ProtocolLoggingLevel : None
RequireTLS : False
SmartHostAuthMechanism : None
SmartHosts : {}
SmartHostsString :
SmtpMaxMessagesPerConnection : 20
SourceIPAddress :
SourceRoutingGroup : Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR)
SourceTransportServers : {mailserver}
UseExternalDNSServersEnabled : False

AddressSpaces : {SMTP:*;1}
AuthenticationCredential :
Comment :
ConnectedDomains : {}
ConnectionInactivityTimeOut : 00:10:00
DNSRoutingEnabled : True
DomainSecureEnabled : False
Enabled : True
ForceHELO : False
Fqdn :
HomeMTA : Microsoft MTA
HomeMtaServerId : mailserver
Identity : Outgoing Internet Mails
IgnoreSTARTTLS : False
IsScopedConnector : False
IsSmtpConnector : True
LinkedReceiveConnector :
MaxMessageSize : 10 MB (10,485,760 bytes)
Name : Outgoing Internet Mails
Port : 25
ProtocolLoggingLevel : None
RequireTLS : False
SmartHostAuthMechanism : None
SmartHosts : {}
SmartHostsString :
SmtpMaxMessagesPerConnection : 20
SourceIPAddress :
SourceRoutingGroup : Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR)
SourceTransportServers : {mailserver}
UseExternalDNSServersEnabled : True

AddressSpaces : {SMTP:*;1}
AuthenticationCredential :
Comment :
ConnectedDomains : {}
ConnectionInactivityTimeOut : 00:10:00
DNSRoutingEnabled : True
DomainSecureEnabled : False
Enabled : True
ForceHELO : False
Fqdn :
HomeMTA : Microsoft MTA
HomeMtaServerId : mailserver
Identity : L1
IgnoreSTARTTLS : False
IsScopedConnector : False
IsSmtpConnector : True
LinkedReceiveConnector :
MaxMessageSize : 10 MB (10,485,760 bytes)
Name : L1
Port : 25
ProtocolLoggingLevel : None
RequireTLS : False
SmartHostAuthMechanism : None
SmartHosts : {}
SmartHostsString :
SmtpMaxMessagesPerConnection : 20
SourceIPAddress :
SourceRoutingGroup : Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR)
SourceTransportServers : {mailserver}
UseExternalDNSServersEnabled : True

AddressSpaces : {smtp:*;1}
AuthenticationCredential :
Comment :
ConnectedDomains : {}
ConnectionInactivityTimeOut : 00:10:00
DNSRoutingEnabled : True
DomainSecureEnabled : False
Enabled : True
ForceHELO : False
Fqdn :
HomeMTA : Microsoft MTA
HomeMtaServerId : mailserver
Identity : Internet
IgnoreSTARTTLS : False
IsScopedConnector : False
IsSmtpConnector : True
LinkedReceiveConnector :
MaxMessageSize : 10 MB (10,485,760 bytes)
Name : Internet
Port : 25
ProtocolLoggingLevel : None
RequireTLS : False
SmartHostAuthMechanism : None
SmartHosts : {}
SmartHostsString :
SmtpMaxMessagesPerConnection : 20
SourceIPAddress :
SourceRoutingGroup : Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR)
SourceTransportServers : {mailserver}
UseExternalDNSServersEnabled : True

I checked the MXTOOLBOX and it is not there.

Note I used the Mail Flow Troublshooter and I had an issue like this:
Mail submission failed: Error message: The SMTP host was not specified..

So you have 4 different Send connectors? This is your problem, they all have the same address space. If you have 4 HUB servers you can add all four HUB servers to the same send connector. Delete all of the send connectors except for one of them and add all HUB servers to use this connector.
ok good, so one send connector and one hub...restart the transport service. Does it work now?
Thanks. But It has not dropped into the External Recepient mailbox.

I noticed the no. of messages in the Queue reduced and I had more Messages on the Message tab of the Queue Viewer.
Can you run the Get-SendConnector again. I see that you have UseExternalDNSServersEnabled = true. Do you have some defined. If you disable this, it will use your internal DNS servers. Unless there is a particular reason for using ExternDNS server, I would not check this box. shows:

AddressSpaces : {smtp:*;1}
AuthenticationCredential :
Comment :
ConnectedDomains : {}
ConnectionInactivityTimeOut : 00:10:00
DNSRoutingEnabled : True
DomainSecureEnabled : False
Enabled : True
ForceHELO : False
Fqdn :
HomeMTA : Microsoft MTA
HomeMtaServerId : mail
Identity : Internet
IgnoreSTARTTLS : False
IsScopedConnector : False
IsSmtpConnector : True
LinkedReceiveConnector :
MaxMessageSize : 10 MB (10,485,760 bytes)
Name : Internet
Port : 25
ProtocolLoggingLevel : None
RequireTLS : False
SmartHostAuthMechanism : None
SmartHosts : {}
SmartHostsString :
SmtpMaxMessagesPerConnection : 20
SourceIPAddress :
SourceRoutingGroup : Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR)
SourceTransportServers : {mail}
UseExternalDNSServersEnabled : True

Do you recommend I disable the External DNS?
Did you specifically tell it what External DNS servers to use? If not, then it will fail. Try disabling it and restarting the Transport service. Then see what happens.
I am not sure I did, that, everything is default. How do I tell it which one to us?
See this link:

Use the External DNS Lookup settings on the transport server Select this check box if you want to use a specific list of external DNS servers instead of the DNS servers configured on the network adapters of the source servers configured for this Send connector.
Important: Verify that you have configured the external DNS servers list by using the Set-TransportServer cmdlet, or by using the External DNS Lookups tab in the properties of the Hub Transport server object or the Edge Transport server object.

Thanks. I tried it with no luck.

I had to add 2 dns servers from our ISP.
So it works after adding the two external DNS servers from your ISP? IF you have External DNS enabled, you must have servers listed, if you don't have external servers in the list then you must not enable external DNS.

Please let me know if you resolved your issue and it is working now.

It did not work after the IP address was added. I still see the previous:

451 4.4.0 Primary target IP address responded with: " 421 4.2.1 Unable to connect." Attempted failover to alternate host, but that did not succeed. Either there are no alternate hosts, or delivery failed to all alternate hosts.

Should it be any thing with the MX records?
Also, I wish to note that I had created some email address policies ealier.

We had a .biz domain and we used POP3 to pull all the emails to the .com domain.

But on the Queue, I see the Outgoing email address as instead of can this be part of the reason for the problem?

I figure out that outbound SMTP traffic is not allowed to leave my lan here.

I can telnet to external smtp servers from outside our network, but I cannot do same from our network.

I have called the ISP and they said they did not block it. I wil get to talk to the Cisco guys tomorrow.
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