Outlook.com set up as EAS in Outlook 2013 – Emails can take up to 25 minutes to arrive

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Outlook 2016 64 bit
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Outlook.com (as MS Exchange)

Thanks for all your help in setting up my Outlook.com in Outlook 2013 using EAS. Calendar and Contacts seems to sync fine between the two.

I’m left with one major problem in that some emails arrive immediately but many others are delayed by 10, 15, 25 minutes etc (at random). This makes the system pretty much unusable as an email account.

I have tested this by sending many emails from other accounts to myself – they appear in Outlook.com webmail immediately, but not in Outlook 2013 (sometimes they do, sometimes they don't).

I mentioned this on another thread and you said that some people do experience problems with EAS and it can be buggy.

There are numerous threads on this topic on Microsoft Answers, but no definitive solutions.

I am starting with a fresh email account but I am now debating whether I can use Outlook.com for email – I want to but these problems with Outlook.com in Outlook 2013 has lowered my confidence in it.

I would prefer not to use Gmail as I like the EAS solution for Email/Calendar/Contacts sync (I don't really want to go down the paid Google Apps route for Calendar/Contacts sync with Outlook). Also, from what I read Gmail in Outlook is not without some of its own complications (getting labels/folders in sync etc). Besides I have a FirstNameLastName@outlook.com address which I don't have in Gmail.


1) Is there any way to establish with Microsoft whether this is a known bug in the EAS Outlook 2013 implementation and if/when it will be fixed? If I knew there was a plan to fix it I could put up with the problem for a few months.

2) Do you have any other ideas as to solutions? I have seen removing/adding the EAS Outlook.com account as being proposed by some (it helps a few but not others), although I am somewhat wary of doing that having got the Calendar and Contacts part of it in sync.

Many thanks.
1. I'll check with the product team. I know its been a problem off and on.

2. While removing the account may fix sync issues, it shouldn't mess up calendar and contact sync.

If you are using Outlook.com for as your email account, not just to sync calendar and contacts to a smartphone, there really isn't a good solution, other than deleting the account and adding it back. If you are using it to sync calendar and contacts and use a different address as your default, there are other options, although non are free. Companion Link is my favorite.
Thanks, Diane.

Hearing direct from the product team would be fantastic and at least resolve whether this issue may eventually be fixed (or indeed whether they are aware of this particular issue).

I was planning on using one Outlook.com account for email, contacts and calendar for simplicity.

I currently use a Windows Phone which I like. However, there is a lack of key Apps in the UK and if that doesn’t resolve itself in next couple of years would have to switch to Android. Does Outlook.com sync with Android using the stock Android email, calendar and contacts system using EAS? From what I have read the Microsoft Outlook.com Android App has some limitations. I’m just trying to “future proof” myself by ensuring Outlook.com will work in Android?

Regarding removing and re-adding the account in Outlook 2013 are the steps as follows:

1) Remove EAS account in Outlook 2013
2) Close Outlook 2013
3) Delete OST File
4) Open Outlook 2013
5) Add back EAS Outlook.com account in Outlook 2013

I assume all emails will reappear as they will still be on Outlook.com server? As you said, Calendar and Contacts will reappear.

Maybe I will wait until you hear back from the product team (which I appreciate may take some time) before removing/adding my account. For some reason I am nervous about the process knowing how hard it was to get the emails to appear showing the correct attachment paperclips. Thanks.
Yeah, the lack of windows apps makes it hard to keep winphone. I have an 8x and I'm not 100% sure how long I'll keep it. My daughter wants a new iPhone this summer (so her ipad and iPhone use the same charger :)) and I might take her 4s to see if i like the iPhone better. We both qualify for subsidized pricing but I'll keep my phone for a bit longer - at least till i get phone envy. ;)

Outlook.com syncs with both iPhone and android, using EAS just like winphone does.

Step 1 should remove the ost file too. You don't need to close outlook but i would, just to be sure it's cleared from memory.

I remembered I had another test Outlook.com account set up as EAS in Outlook 2013. I removed and re-added it to see if this fixed the issue.

Unfortunately it did not solve the delayed delivery of email issue. The delays vary. Yesterday afternoon they were 6-15 minutes. This morning I had a run when it seemed to be almost instant. By late morning we were back up to 10-15 minute delays. The same messages were being received instantly on my Windows Phone and on webmail.

I will be interested to hear if the product team has any thoughts on this.

As an aside, and this is not an answer to the issue as the problem exists on all servers, I noticed my 3 EAS Outlook.com accounts in Outlook 2013 had different server information. I originally configured the EAS account by only providing Email Address and Password, so I guess the Server Information was assigned.

The 3 servers are:

As I said this doesn’t explained the delay in receiving the emails in EAS as the problem occurs with all accounts. Sometimes one account receives the same email before the others, but there is no pattern. Maybe the different server info relates to the physical location of the server?
The server varies with the account, usually dependent on when and where (country) it was created.

Do you have all 3 accounts in the same profile? Multiple accounts can cause problems, although sync usually stops completely for one account, rather than slowing for all 3.
Thanks, Diane. My Outlook 2013 setup post this initial testing will be:

1) Default/Main Outlook.com Account (setup as EAS and IMAP to provide mirror for Drafts, etc)
2) Secondary Outlook.com Account to be used for online purchases/admin (setup as EAS and IMAP to provide mirror for Drafts, etc)

My current setup is more than this as I had two other test accounts:

1) Third Outlook.com Account (setup as EAS and IMAP)
2) Gmail account setup as IMAP

I’m not sure what constitutes a big email account in terms of size, but the OST files for these accounts vary from the main account being 180MB, and the smallest is 50MB. I don’t regard these as massive accounts.

Now that you know my exact setup, do you think it is too much for Outlook 2013 to handle?

I cannot remember if I had the delayed delivery issue from the outset when I only had one EAS account set up. I guess I will remove the 3rd Outlook.com account and test?

Another issue has arisen. I was going to start a new thread (feel free to tell me to do so), but all this stuff may be related.

The Default/Main Outlook.com account has suddenly become populated with duplicates in the EAS setup in Inbox, Sent and some of the subfolders (but not all of them). For example the Inbox had circa 1900 messages and now has circa 3700. Not all messages are duplicated, but obviously most are. The messages that are duplicated are those that I imported to the Outlook.com account from PST files using Outlook 2003 and the Outlook Connector.

The IMAP version of the same Account shows all the emails correctly.

The Outlook.com webmail of the same account shows all the emails correctly.

Is this a known issue with EAS accounts? Is there a fix? If the fix is “Remove account and Re-add”, will the problem likely re-occur and will I need to keep on doing this?

I must say my I certainly didn't anticipate how difficult it was going to be to get Outlook 2013 and EAS up and running!

Many thanks.
Those ost files are puny. :)

By numbers, no its not too much - but IMAP accounts often open a lot of connections to the server. If you have several to the same server, the automatic send and receive time should be 8 - 10 minutes or higher. You might want them in different Send and Receive groups - 3 is my recommended limit for one group, unless there are a lot of subfolders.

EAS has known issues when you have multiple accounts in the profile. I can't recall offhand if the problem begins with the 3rd account or 5th. Microsoft recommends using IMAP for as the solution for the extra accounts when issues arise because you have too many EAS accounts.
Thanks Diane. Your patience is much appreciated.

I have reduced to 2 the number of EAS accounts I am running in Outlook 2013. I also removed and re-added the main account that had all the duplicates. Testing was a mixture of some delays and some instant arrivals.

However, a new problem has arisen. The EAS accounts suddenly disconnected about 2 hours ago. At the bottom of the Outlook 2013 there is a message saying:

“This folder was last updated at 16:43. ! Disconnected”

Now no messages at all are getting through on EAS. Everything else on PC is working fine – IMAP accounts are syncing, webmail is working, etc.

I have closed Outlook, Restarted PC etc, but no change.


1) Any ideas how I can resolve this latest “disconnected” issue?

2) Is there a list anywhere that Microsoft provides of known Outlook 2013 issues so I can see whether the various issues I have been having with EAS in Outlook 2013 with Outlook.com are on their "To-do" list?

Thanks. Stephen.
They don't maintain a public list of things they are working on, sorry. The disconnected issue was one symptom of too many EAS accounts - but 2 should be fine. Try setting Outlook offline for about 5, 10 minutes.

Do you have all updates installed? Including Sp1 and the updates this week?
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