Account setup on Android

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New Member
Outlook version
Outlook 2016 64 bit
Email Account (as MS Exchange)
I have a little problem setting up Outlook Android to use my account or maybe it's just my lack of understanding. Briefly,

Now, when I initially set up Outlook in android it does not create an Exchange or Corporate account when pointed at my address. It creates an 'outlook account' which seems to sync mail and calendar but not, it seems, contacts. Other software seems immediately to create a Corporate account. Currently I am using Gmail to connect to my Exchange account.

How do I get outlook to set up a Corporate account so I can lose the gmail account or am I misunderstanding something?

Thanks in advance
Currently I am using Gmail to connect to my Exchange account.
What do you mean by this?

The Outlook app doesn't download contacts - there is an option to sync them with the phone's contact app but the actual outlook uses search to find contacts, it doesn't cache them locally within the outlook app.
Thanks for your response. Firstly apologies for the delay but I didn't receive a notification.
OK. I understand your point about contacts. My confusion stems from the fact that all other mail apps I have used (and there have been a few) have set up what I think is now called a Corporate or Exchange or Activesync account on the mobile. I am pretty sure the early versions of Outlook I tried did this.
If this is no longer the case and I can sync contacts through the native app and the 'outlook account' I'm fine. I have had no problem with the mail and calendar parts of outlook.
Thank you again for your help
Just a final question. The synched calendar data available in Outlook android appears to be unavailable to other apps. Is this correct?
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