W7OL2010 Changed to imap, disabled old account, what to do about my calendar?

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Senior Member
Hi folks,

Because I am using two devices for email I have changed my mail account on both my laptop and tablet to imap. Rather than deleting my old pop3 account, since I still want to access those messages, I have removed its password and stopped it sending/receiving.

However, now I have run into a problem - my calendar is now not updating to my tablet from my laptop.

My ISP Hostgator say that imap does not support calendars. So what do other Outlook users do then?

(Not that is is pertinent to the problem but I have two mail accounts, one is Exchange whose mail and calendar are working fine. Am using Win 7 and Outlook 2 010 on laptop and Android 3.0.1 on my Motorola Xoom tablet.)

Thanks in advance for advice on how to use a calendar in Outlook that will sync with Android tablet.

Re: W7OL2010 Changed to imap, disabled old account, what to do about my calend

Neither POP3 or IMAP support calendars. How is the calendar configured? Did you publish it, is it in the Exchange mailbox?

If you are using an exchange acct on both computers, the calendar should be in it - then it wll sync easily to both and also to the droid (assuming EAS is enabled on the Exchange account) .
Re: W7OL2010 Changed to imap, disabled old account, what to do about my calend

Hi Diane, thanks for replying. I have two calendars, one in the Exchange account, which continues to sync perfectly, and the other which was part of my pop3 account in Outlook which no longer syncs.

I am thinking that it's time to set up a Google calendar for personal use but it would have been nice to have my current pop3 calendar update to my new imap account.


Re: W7OL2010 Changed to imap, disabled old account, what to do about my calend

Keep in mind that how the calendar synced before does not change when you switch to imap. It should still sync the same way. Depending on how you had it working, you might need to configure the account to send. I'm still not clear on how you had it working with the POP account so I don't know which method you used.

The google calendar is a fine option but the sync utility is not very good. If you only need a calendar accessible from both computers and not necessarily in Outlook, it should be fine. I can't recall if their ics calendar updates in outlook - but if so, you could have a read-only version in outlook.

CodeTwo has a free calendar and contact sync utility - links to it and others are here: http://www.slipstick.com/outlook/sync-outlook/synchronizing-outlook-on-two-machines/ - that will work with your current config.
Re: W7OL2010 Changed to imap, disabled old account, what to do about my calend

Thanks Diane,

All I know about my pop3 calendar is that when I installed Outlook and set up that mail account a calendar automatically installed itself too. Then when I set up syncing on my tablet that calendar automatically updated with my personal appointments, but now it does not.

I have set my old pop3 account to send only and even tried copying the calendar into the inbox, which is the only option able to be checked in the Send/Receive Settings, but this is not syncing for me.

The problem with Google Calendar Sync is that I am already syncing a calendar that way and it seems impossible to sync two.

These images show the account settings for send/receive to illustrate that I can't put a check mark next to the calendar
outlook send receive imap.jpgoutlook send receive.JPG
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