I have a laptop that is running outlook 2000. My server is running Server 2003 with exchange. When in the office, I can connect to my server via cable and sync all my outlook folders to my laptop. All works well. I am running outlook in corporate/workgroup mode. I recently changed my cable provider to Verizon who makes creating a VPN connection just short of impossible. So..when I'm at home, I cannot sync and that is a problem for me since my office is a long way away. My question is: Can I somehow sync with Outlook 2000 and a 2003 server without using VPN? For what its worth, I have an ipad and I just put in the IP addresses of my server and it sync's everything great. I doesn't work when I try that with Outlook on my laptop. Any ideas how to do this (or a definitive answer it won't work) would be most appreciated. Thanks.