I saw this post on an Apple forum researching my problem - it is exactly my issue and the time it has been a problem and the location (Perth, WA) are the same for me - HELP. When I create an event on my iPhone it shows on my Outlook calendars, which are iCloud based, one hour ahead. When I create an event in one these same calendars in Outlook, it shows up on the iPhone at the right time, so I am thinking it is Outlook not Apple.
"I am running Outlook 2013 & only using the Icloud calendar in Outlook. All my appointments that I have sceduled in my iphone calendar in Icloud appear in Outlook 1 hour later eg 7:00pm in Icloud is showing 8:00pm in Outlooks Icloud Calendar, Also in the personal calender of Outlook. All my Icloud account settings are correct. My calender settings in Outlook is correct. My time on my computer is correct & we have no daylight saving in Perth Western Australia. As much as I don't need to look on my computer as much as my Iphone 5S, I want it to match. Pleeaase help. As far as I know this is new (about 3 weeks) as I haven't notice this before."
"I am running Outlook 2013 & only using the Icloud calendar in Outlook. All my appointments that I have sceduled in my iphone calendar in Icloud appear in Outlook 1 hour later eg 7:00pm in Icloud is showing 8:00pm in Outlooks Icloud Calendar, Also in the personal calender of Outlook. All my Icloud account settings are correct. My calender settings in Outlook is correct. My time on my computer is correct & we have no daylight saving in Perth Western Australia. As much as I don't need to look on my computer as much as my Iphone 5S, I want it to match. Pleeaase help. As far as I know this is new (about 3 weeks) as I haven't notice this before."